Reaching Out,
Changing Lives

What we do
Edmund Rice Centre WA provides a range of community education activities and services to assist those from refugee and migrant backgrounds, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Our approach is to welcome people from all cultures, faiths and backgrounds, create safe spaces, enable connection and friendships, and create a feeling of belonging. We always aim to empower the people whose lives we touch through education and development of community.
Our services include English classes, computer studies, life skills for living, driver education, settlement assistance, arts and culture programs, tailored programs for women, and programs for young people including coaching and officiating, creative arts, leadership training and a range of sports.
We welcome referrals from other services or agencies that work with multicultural families, young people (including those at risk), newly arrived migrants and refugees, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. If you would like to find out more about our services and how we can assist your clients, please contact us for a chat with one of our team and we can provide you with a referral form.
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These programs facilitate access to mainstream services and support successful settlement. The activities covered by the programs include casework, advocacy and referral, information sessions and active workshops.
Education is the cornerstone of the Edmund Rice philosophy. It removes barriers to equity and promotes the benefits of multiculturalism to the wider community. Opportunities open up through the acquisition of new skills and increased awareness of vocational options and pathways.
Our Youth Programs and Services provide activities and support to young people to assist them to gain confidence, make connections and develop pathways towards further education and training.
Support us
Edmund Rice Centre WA is a registered charity with an ongoing commitment to assist people from refugee and migrant backgrounds as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. As we are required to issue a tax receipt for all donations, please send an email to when you donate, including your full name, postal address, email address and donation amount. You may also choose to make your donation to a specific project.
Thank you for your donation, we do appreciate your support!