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Women on Wednesday

Empowering Women Weekly

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icon women on wednesdayWomen
on Wednesday

Women on Wednesday (WoW) is a program developed to assist women who have come to Australia as refugees. The program’s name was chosen for all the “WoW moments” that happen… the learning, the sharing and the fun times enjoyed by all.

Sessions run on Wednesdays during school term. Workshops cover topics such as health and safety, paying accounts and knowing your community. Sessions have also been delivered by Foodbank, the Australian Red Cross, the WA Police Force ad Crime Stoppers. WoW helps the women understand more about their life in Australia. They are more able to:

  • Deal with their children’s schools and other everyday situations
  • Make good decisions about food safety and healthy eating
  • Shop more economically

Every refugee family has a different experience settling in a new country. By helping the women, we can make a difference to the whole family.

all the women on wed
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